ECM Headers and Footers for SharePoint

Automatically insert important metadata from SharePoint into the Header or Footer of your Office Documents.

ECM Headers & Footers Overview

ECM Headers and Footers allows an organization to automatically tag Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents with metadata from your SharePoint environment. Examples of metadata include version number, document id, create date, path, and other content type column values.


  • Apply Headers or Footers to your SharePoint content in Bulk.
  • Create Header/Footer profiles for individual SharePoint document libraries or Site Collections.
  • Schedule a process to insert headers and footers on documents whenever a new document is added or updated in SharePoint.
  • Option to tag on Word, Excel and/or PowerPoint documents.
  • Allow custom formatting of your header or footer like positioning and field labels.
  • Option to Publish your document as a Major Version when a document has a Header or Footer inserted.
  • Ability to keep the current version of a document in SharePoint when a document is tagged.
  • Option to only tag a document with a Header or Footer if a specified Content Type exists on a document.
  • Option to include a border around your Header or Footer.
  • Left, right or center your Header or Footer.
  • Ability to add custom text to your document Header or Footer.
  • Specify which pages you want your Header/Footer applied to (First page only, All Pages, Last Page Only, Even Pages Only, Odd Pages Only).
  • Control which font, style and size to be used.
  • Apply ECM Headers or Footers to your existing SharePoint documents.
  • Initiate tagging of documents via a Workflow.
  • Create Labels to customize how your Header/Footer looks.

Organizations also have the option to configure ECM Headers and Footers to work with a workflow so content in SharePoint can be tagged on demand. For example, you can initialize a Nintex workflow to call a web service. When a call has been executed, that specified document will be tagged with a Header or Footer. Alternatively, you can apply a Yes/No column to a document. When that field is marked Yes, that document will have their header or footer applied.

Supported For:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • SharePoint 2019
  • SharePoint 2016
  • Office 365

Additional Features

ECM Headers & Footers for SharePoint allows you to automatically insert custom headers and footers containing metadata from SharePoint into your Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Below are a list of different types of metadata you can insert into the footer:

  • Document ID
  • Document Name
  • Version Number
  • Created Date
  • SharePoint Path
  • Title
  • Author
  • Last Saved Date
  • Column Values
  • Content Type Values
  • Page Numbers

ECM Footers for SharePoint also allows you to:

  • Insert Major and Minor Version Numbers
  • Create Labels
  • Configure Multiple SharePoint Environments
  • Configure Which Pages in Word the ECM Footer is Inserted.

Top Notch Support

Top Notch Support

ECM Wise stands behind it products!

We understand you want the most out of your investment so when you contact ECM Wise for assistance with ECM Headers and Footers, be assured that you are contacting our most experienced support staff. In fact, more often than not, issues are resolved with a first response.

Let our experts help you get the most out of your document footers.

Working together is better!

  • Training
  • Migration Services
  • Governance: Records Management Planning
  • Project Planning
  • Migration Resources
  • Technical Assistance
  • Product Enhancements

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